Thursday, December 23, 2010

Warrior Custom Pinnies

I love Christmas.


Madness pressed the last days, spent whole mornings between oven and salad, all the parties around the table for each year as preparations that seem to fall from the sky at the last minute ("But tell I think we did not have four hundred snails do for Christmas Eve this year? "), the laughter, the tantrums, the knives to prevent anyone from coming to dip his finger in the sauce, cream and other delights we account for all of our time in a soft sweet madness ... That is why, since Sunday evening, at which date sordid, taking pity, I helped fill the astronomical number of snails announced earlier, I did not much here ... by worry, I will spare you Details on the green butter in the stench and our dear friends viscous to speak more light near my gifts on Christmas ritual: the shortbread.

Since late November, every Sunday test session was done and selection of recipes that I make this week complete view of my pretty little packages. Some failures, some recipe "not enough Christmas" (I love that expression "it is not Christmas ..." But do not ask what it's like "do Christmas", nobody will answer you ...) and yesterday I spent my day from the oven, preparing successive pasta, cooking, storing, icing, rest and other activities for small, small packets coveted ... (I feel like I do teaser: "After tomorrow, under the tree, you get, oh my sand ... here, here ..." it only remains to hope that my family does not turn here ...).

I'm ugly, I did not have you talked about all these little tests ... then I caught him and commend you, supporting photographs, the few three recipes that accompanied me yesterday morning.

Stars chocolate ...

When I was little, my grandmother brought all the delicious Christmas cake with lots of flavors, anise to the kernel via with cinnamon, but mostly chocolate. Since the fairy who sewed part is impossible to find the mellow of these little cakes that were shaped like Christmas trees ... so soft that one could wonder if it was actually kind of shortbread cookies ...

Of all the recipes I have tried is it that it is the nearest ... So thank you to the blogger who I've stolen the recipe, especially since, as usual, I copied and pasted without noting the source which makes me unable today to honor one who made me a little of the magic of Christmases of my childhood. And forgiveness in advance if you recognize your recipe, a quick word and your site will be expressly mentioned ...
For sixty stars :
- 250 gr flour
- 80 gr cocoa powder very chocolatey ( type van Houten) + a hint of cinnamon (this is a flavor enhancer ...)
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 125 gr powdered sugar
- 25 gr cream
1 egg - 125 g butter

For the frosting:
- 150 gr icing sugar
- 30 gr cocoa powder very chocolatey (type van Houten)
- 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon dark rum
- 3 to 4 tablespoons hot water

Mix the flour, cocoa and baking powder.
Dig a fountain and pour in the sugar, cream and egg. Mix with one part flour.
Add butter cut into small pieces.
Cover the remaining flour and knead quickly until smooth.
Let rest overnight in the fridge. Lower dough 3 / 4 mm thick on a sheet of baking paper. Cut out with cookie cutter and place them in the spaces on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in preheated oven at 150 ° for about 8-10 minutes. Let cool on rack.

For the icing: Mix icing sugar and cocoa. Dilute with rum and a little hot water you add gradually while stirring: you need a icing fluid nor too runny nor too thick (it is a ribbon when it is raised and dropped the spoon and is brilliant).

Frost star pastry brush (part of the center and stretch to tip).
Let dry and enjoy ...

** The glaze is rather tedious to do ... to obtain a good gloss glaze, let stand at least an hour by jogging regularly. It may thicken slightly, to facilitate its application, add a tablespoon of boiling water, it will be a little more liquid and easier to work ... For the rest, it is a matter of patience ...

The Moons, vanilla and almond ... hearts, hazelnut and cinnamon ...

The same recipe, and revised to satisfy all fans ...

Basic recipe:

- 250 g flour
- 70 g icing sugar (this is the secret of successful shortbread: more sugar so classic!)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or powder)
- 220 g butter
- 100 g ground almond (or hazelnut)

Sift flour, make a fountain at its center and add the almond powder, sugar and vanilla.
Cut butter into pieces yet firm enough, spread them over the flour, knead and form a soft ball.
Harden your dough in the refrigerator one hour.
Spread your dough on parchment paper, expand your biscuits and cook fifteen minutes in preheated oven 5 th (160 ° C) without leaving out the color. Let cool
on a grid, you can sprinkle with icing sugar out of the oven ...

** If you want to try the alternative to cinnamon, two teaspoons added to the basic recipe is enough. The cinnamon flavor is present but not disgusting!

Good tasting, and will, I tease one last time ... tomorrow if I have the courage I'd share with you my epic "buchière ..."


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