Monday, December 6, 2010

Where Is The Governor In Razor Go Ka

This month, I devoured ... [1]

A few (even many ) of late for this monthly column (maximum culpâââ ), but I expected ... or rather I was rushing to finish a block énooorme ( not so big that it actually, but all the excuses are good ) to come and show you my small selection ... ( complex is the latest book "trôôôp well" that must absôôôôôlument talk ... )

I had watched in the window before flying to the U.S. last April, had put on a waiting list as long as your arm to the library, and finally I see finally entrusted with "the friend of a friend," O overjoyed ( I exaggerate a bit ... )

And that is how I worked many hours installed on my couch, wrapped in a blanket and a tea in hand, returning with the same pleasure as that with which we review old friends, these characters I had learned to know, love or hate over the first two volumes of the series, The yellow eyes of crocodiles and The slow waltz turtles ...

You'll understand squirrels in Central Park on Monday are sad was up to my expectations, far from these suites written to say to make a sequel, which no logical without talent and substance even manage to tarnish their predecessors yet excellent ...

So Here, as every time j'encense something, I encounter the difficulty of choosing my words to convince and to share the delicious moments that writing fluid, delicate and ingenious Katherine Pancol offered me.

As usual, she has forged his overall frame through multiple portraits like so many characters who speak in turn according to pages, brilliantly orchestrating a symphony with many soloists respondent harmony choruses synonymous reunion at the crossroads of his parallel lives. She did not disown their own personalities, giving us a true sample of characters and hopes this rather hopeless declination of a single character arranged all the sauces, trap in which most of these novels 'portrait gallery' fall relentlessly.

Another important point, although the facts of the previous books are carefully recalled, heard or discussed in conversations with the turning, it does not start his romance with a comprehensive account of two previous books so that all world there are: the faithful are not tired before have begun the fifteenth page and the newcomers are "placed in the bath" ... smooth

If you had no gift for Christmas, this trilogy boxed sold in Fnac, will make some excited among readers under the tree ... I would say it could convert some of the most reluctant to delve into the intricacies of the working literature.

But now I've said too much ... so I keep my other darlings for another article ... Wednesday if "I the time "...


PS: This article is not sponsored ...


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