Monday, November 29, 2010

How Long For Scars To Heal After Mole Removal

sport bodyboard.

As far as I remember the bodyboarding sport practiced by advocating,

lying on the plank, DROPKNEE one foot on the board and knee to the back of bodyboarding

Stand'Up and, standing like a surfer on a bodyboard but!

Imagine a competition with these 3 fields, a championship sport in France MASTER bodyboard!

imagine, it's hard I tried to find a club that would allow such competition in 2010 ......

A master bodyboarder 33 has failed, I will retry my luck in 2011
Masters Championships in France in sport SURF take place for 5 years.
Equality of extreme sports is not the same between surfing and bodyboarding sport.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Head Tightness And Dizzy


Preste, clean shaven, he looked like every weekend, behind my door. Time to put the key, and already feeling the knock he received me, filling the air by its mere presence of the promise of tasty minutes, seconds delicious, a sort of time that would not run away as fast as others.
Like every weekend and after this long wait every hour, I was not asking me to wallow in this newfound freedom, swallow clocks, hourglasses return, stop over the long course, stop the tape, pause , Freeze, enjoy. With attention discreet detachment measured, insurance and a caring touch of slyness, he vanished, leaving me back my marks in this atmosphere caulked, peaceful, synonymous with rest recovered.
comfortably and using all the powers of peacemaking power in the land of hard workers pressure, nothing seemed to reach it, he had established the camp for the night.
Amazed and relieved, I promise me dizzy for a long quiet wedding with this perfect lover who seemed no inclination to succumb to male usually so unattractive. Only he did not strike the door of the bathroom, pissed, claiming its share of hot water, shouting threats, such as running water in the kitchen or starting the dishwasher to stop the delicious moments of bathing in the rules, shower breadsticks, a form that asks ... he would not consider appropriate the remote control, because of the bitching fridge empty or missing CDs, loaned to vague knowledge ... No, without saying a word, he left me free to dry my hair ( oooh! ), let me blow dry (it borders on feat ...), serum to my hair to shine hair dryer and a rebel, or to marvel at the chance which had made me choose an outfit at haphazard, and yet seem perfectly matched. With him by my side, I could take a book, this strong future that still seemed distant, these fuzzy constraints, trapped in a thick fog in the making, daydreaming, sipping tea, watching Issue a stupid m'emmitoufler in shapeless pajamas or under throws plush and thick ...
But evening came already ... without a word we went a step resigned to bed, aware of this time escaping again, these minutes gathering steam, rich experiences of all these moments, Insousciance the mad rush of needles that have separated us. ..

I turned off the light and say goodbye to my most tender and faithful lover,
my beloved Friday Night .


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Head Lice And Pregnant Women

random or irregular?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where Do You Find Ho-oh In Pokemondeluge

Moral of the day: Place found in haphazardly separated worth up ...

Moral of the evening : there are only idiots never change their opinion.

Two rows behind the "fans" of groups, we settled comfortably, finally free to speak ill with delight, even gently mocking us, but all secretly decided to take advantage of any even the evening ... Somehow, now that we were there, we would have been stupid of us without. The first part that looks like an appetizer was beautifully encamped by the son of Veronique Sanson who then offered me the comfort of not having completely lost my time this evening. Do not ask me why, after him came an intermission. "Courtesy of the Olympia." To, 20.30. After half an hour from the concert. Should they install a scene that had not even been desecrated by the young artist who, modest, had the appeal to a skeptical public, cornered against the heavy red velvet curtain? Hypothesis. Still, that this little respite allowed me to observe my drunk spectators stamping impatiently. To my surprise and devoting myself to my little personal statistics, I was obliged to note that the average age was around in the room more easily than 40 years and over 60 years expected by my little narrow view of the fan club "Eddmitchellien" ... Class 20 was even properly represented, heirs of a generation rocked radio nostalgia I hoisted the colors that night ... The bell rang, people resumed their places, the ballet program vendors stopped. Our neighbors have still lagging not deign to point the tip of their nose, we were entitled to an upgrade in the rules that will propel us into the middle row, promotion that delighted me. We were in pole position to observe the leader who would make his entrance.
The first notes sounded, and we all were seized, and happy to recognize the plot, predict later, more moved by the memories they were surfacing as the melody in it same. Soon I found myself frustrated at not being able to sing songs whose words escaped me but that seemed so familiar, disappointed at not being able to dance to the rhythms jazzy impressed by the proximity of this artist who had never been a distant voice trapped in a disc on a shelf, a moving image on a TV screen.
First surrounded by a pianist, two guitarists and a drummer, he created a stir by inviting a saxophonist, which arise in the show from behind a curtain backdrop while a big band with crowd wind instruments ... It had touched a chord with the musician which reached its zenith at the sight of these artists who were as much fun to play him to sing, they lived together and let free rein to their passion that they did not seem to look like an ordinary job ...

To conclude, I would say that, like all others in the room, I sang, I applaud wildly and finishing on the ball and yet standing glad I was mistaken again.


Wards Plant Pigments Lab

Results in sport bodyboard 2010.

semifinals and finals in open bodyboard tower 33 2010. Fourth
open on all stages of the tower 33 bodyboard 2010.

Prime Master on lap 33 bodyboard 2010.

Champion gironde master's tower 33 bodyboard 2010. NATIONAL RANKING

Second master of France in sport bodyboard 2010.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is There A Moncler In Woodbury Commons

"The Schmoll" ** [1]

You know the sort of long days when you're miles and one things to do while were on holiday, non-negotiable imperatives, located at the four corners of Paris , miles of subway tickets in their pockets, a maze of streets and avenues in which to cross or bifurcate incalculable, days where you get lost (yes, because you never know Paris inside out, what one says), where is found opposite to where it should be, days that would be outdated before they have started ... ? It's a bit like that only started up my crazy epic that famous night at the Olympia ...

A morning chase after a thousand different places, to retrieve papers, records to deposit information to take any questions, a crazy looking pair of boots for this winter (unsuccessful), exposure to "under duress" on the Gold of the Incas (half an hour queuing for an hour dédalle exposure in a crowded room with dark walls plunged into darkness, just lit by the weak spots of the windows around which coagulated to better see the relics of the past glory of the civilization), an appointment you perspective to the steps of the Opera, a few hundred packets in the arms and a bag that seemed to weigh three tonnes. In short, a typical day of sightseeing (I love transforming a tourist in the city that saw me born ...)! It is therefore with some delight that I saw the profile an evening without plans, without the bag on his shoulder, in a small restaurant or any other, just to enjoy an evening away from the stress of "we went up the wrong avenue during forty-five minutes .....! ".
was not counting pass the legendary venue that hoisted the colors of Môôôônsieur Eddy Mitchell ... Personally, without the exclamation fascinated by my friend stopped blissful net in the middle of the sidewalk (the best trick to finish the floor, pushed by the mass hurry swarming around the times Advanced ... unconsciousness when you hold us ...), I passed my way without asking my rest, I did not even have looked up.
Fate has decided otherwise (it is still good that one) because soon we were facing at the counter who sold out, we unearthed places "back in production" we had a project for the evening. Exit out and go home on the stroke of nine hours for a snack while listening to music, turn right, it was too late to be going back ... The

immediately, something told me it would not be a piece of cake ....


** Eddy Mitchell for novices ...

Imagine Your Water Heater Has Broken

florian pk's birthday, 20!

Go 14hs in the parking lot of the north with the 4.4 Salie ocean roots, to its board, Dorian, monitor, Florian pk and Anne-Cecile instructor and competing in sport bodyboarding, third at the championships in France mermaids sport bodyboard 2010.

Grace and fairplay that bodyboards ..................

Session bodyboard 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Offshore DUNCA, I did not find it in the ocean.

A master was impressed by the shore break and the current prevailing. I preferred watching slides of Anne-Cécile, the reverse Reentry Florian pk and risk-taking Dorian.

Aquatic With my camera, I largely immortalized their faces.

360, spin, reverse and el rollo in Section creuse.Cet world bodyboarding me gives hope for 2011.
After the session, bubbles and Pignot on the beach north of the dirty, U20 and life ahead .......... Florian
pk with his digital camera that fleeting moment immortalized bodyboarder a master 33 in the atmosphere ocean!

. Bodyboards This has talent bodyboarding in sport, it's cool to watch a champion wrinkled.
Even watching, I'm learning slowly at my own pace ........... Thank
Ocean roots!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Invite Wording Where Guests Have To Pay

era métaflorale


Search and find recogn î be who and what, in the middle of hell is not hell, and make it last, and make room for him.

Italo Calvino.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rare Candy For Pokemon

the specifications of the championship in France MASTER sport bodyboard

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Does It Cost To Rebuild A 700r4

The small section of the Sunday night ritual fateful weeks where we had hoped to take time to sit behind his keyboard to write his lines but the sad reality of where " I do not have time " has become so relentless. Reflection in the evening, good evening, "lack of time is relative, a matter of organization." Either. So I am particularly poorly organized ...

Like every Sunday, like all fine weekend, I feel that this precious time allotted to me me flown by without my noticing. So I make amends by offering a few nice shots, all right out of a Jane Austen novel to where Miss Bennet go to the ball and where they bowed respectfully to say hello ...


[Photo Credit: Museum of Romantic Life, November 2, 2010]
PS: If asked, this was it, the famous exhibition for which I have feet and hands ...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hang A Zinc Over Boat


These days, I realized I was doing most things backwards, pulls a full range of " no, frankly, I do not say anything "," perhaps another time "," not today, I have a headache "," not like ... although I have not tasted it, I tell you, I do not , a little girl so grumpy and temperamental spoiled rotten. ... Check the table

However, facing the aggressiveness of my diplomatic entourage deployed to convince me to move the butt and follow them in their trips of all kinds, I always give in and leave me with the flow ... and finally, it's not so evil it is even 'âchement well ... [To be quite honest]

Exit bad mood or tired after forty metros caught in the day, made tens of kilometers in search of one thing or another so clear in my imagination but Found on the shelves, the hours of queuing for access to the holy grail of a show " géniaaaâllliiissssssssssime " art "I am " became mine ... And frankly, I see only advantages:

* this is not you who you are slaving with Pariscope and have peeled in order to find The expo to do The concert, which asssister, The humorist to applaud or The piece must see ...

** You do not have to round up the people in order to fill half the room, call for reservations, find a Plan B when everything was complete.

*** You do not have any kind of liability for failure, you can even pay the gall to criticize ... [um, no comment]

**** Sunday: day off for shows / Monday, 1 November: holiday + hebdommadaire closure of some museums ... Again, this is not you who you are compelled to improvise to please the tourist drives of the troupe.

***** You can make a whim the last day and impose your program: "all week, I've done what you want and I spotted this exhibition Nounouche which stops soon ... I would têêêêllllement to go and see ... " [Tremollos in his voice, heart-shaped mouth, watery eyes Puss in Boots so ...]

Or you can always bet on the "I drunk my world all week with my exhibition at the con on Romantic art and too bad if it does not work" .

Upcoming Tickets: details of these things "made [almost] cons-heart"

PS: My apologies to all those who tried in vain to save comments without being able to get there, I made a false manipulation 'by setting menu "comments" ...
PP.S: A big thank you to Miss Poppy that I reported the problem.