Monday, November 22, 2010

Is There A Moncler In Woodbury Commons

"The Schmoll" ** [1]

You know the sort of long days when you're miles and one things to do while were on holiday, non-negotiable imperatives, located at the four corners of Paris , miles of subway tickets in their pockets, a maze of streets and avenues in which to cross or bifurcate incalculable, days where you get lost (yes, because you never know Paris inside out, what one says), where is found opposite to where it should be, days that would be outdated before they have started ... ? It's a bit like that only started up my crazy epic that famous night at the Olympia ...

A morning chase after a thousand different places, to retrieve papers, records to deposit information to take any questions, a crazy looking pair of boots for this winter (unsuccessful), exposure to "under duress" on the Gold of the Incas (half an hour queuing for an hour dédalle exposure in a crowded room with dark walls plunged into darkness, just lit by the weak spots of the windows around which coagulated to better see the relics of the past glory of the civilization), an appointment you perspective to the steps of the Opera, a few hundred packets in the arms and a bag that seemed to weigh three tonnes. In short, a typical day of sightseeing (I love transforming a tourist in the city that saw me born ...)! It is therefore with some delight that I saw the profile an evening without plans, without the bag on his shoulder, in a small restaurant or any other, just to enjoy an evening away from the stress of "we went up the wrong avenue during forty-five minutes .....! ".
was not counting pass the legendary venue that hoisted the colors of Môôôônsieur Eddy Mitchell ... Personally, without the exclamation fascinated by my friend stopped blissful net in the middle of the sidewalk (the best trick to finish the floor, pushed by the mass hurry swarming around the times Advanced ... unconsciousness when you hold us ...), I passed my way without asking my rest, I did not even have looked up.
Fate has decided otherwise (it is still good that one) because soon we were facing at the counter who sold out, we unearthed places "back in production" we had a project for the evening. Exit out and go home on the stroke of nine hours for a snack while listening to music, turn right, it was too late to be going back ... The

immediately, something told me it would not be a piece of cake ....


** Eddy Mitchell for novices ...


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