Friday, November 26, 2010

Head Tightness And Dizzy


Preste, clean shaven, he looked like every weekend, behind my door. Time to put the key, and already feeling the knock he received me, filling the air by its mere presence of the promise of tasty minutes, seconds delicious, a sort of time that would not run away as fast as others.
Like every weekend and after this long wait every hour, I was not asking me to wallow in this newfound freedom, swallow clocks, hourglasses return, stop over the long course, stop the tape, pause , Freeze, enjoy. With attention discreet detachment measured, insurance and a caring touch of slyness, he vanished, leaving me back my marks in this atmosphere caulked, peaceful, synonymous with rest recovered.
comfortably and using all the powers of peacemaking power in the land of hard workers pressure, nothing seemed to reach it, he had established the camp for the night.
Amazed and relieved, I promise me dizzy for a long quiet wedding with this perfect lover who seemed no inclination to succumb to male usually so unattractive. Only he did not strike the door of the bathroom, pissed, claiming its share of hot water, shouting threats, such as running water in the kitchen or starting the dishwasher to stop the delicious moments of bathing in the rules, shower breadsticks, a form that asks ... he would not consider appropriate the remote control, because of the bitching fridge empty or missing CDs, loaned to vague knowledge ... No, without saying a word, he left me free to dry my hair ( oooh! ), let me blow dry (it borders on feat ...), serum to my hair to shine hair dryer and a rebel, or to marvel at the chance which had made me choose an outfit at haphazard, and yet seem perfectly matched. With him by my side, I could take a book, this strong future that still seemed distant, these fuzzy constraints, trapped in a thick fog in the making, daydreaming, sipping tea, watching Issue a stupid m'emmitoufler in shapeless pajamas or under throws plush and thick ...
But evening came already ... without a word we went a step resigned to bed, aware of this time escaping again, these minutes gathering steam, rich experiences of all these moments, Insousciance the mad rush of needles that have separated us. ..

I turned off the light and say goodbye to my most tender and faithful lover,
my beloved Friday Night .



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