Monday, November 22, 2010

Imagine Your Water Heater Has Broken

florian pk's birthday, 20!

Go 14hs in the parking lot of the north with the 4.4 Salie ocean roots, to its board, Dorian, monitor, Florian pk and Anne-Cecile instructor and competing in sport bodyboarding, third at the championships in France mermaids sport bodyboard 2010.

Grace and fairplay that bodyboards ..................

Session bodyboard 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Offshore DUNCA, I did not find it in the ocean.

A master was impressed by the shore break and the current prevailing. I preferred watching slides of Anne-Cécile, the reverse Reentry Florian pk and risk-taking Dorian.

Aquatic With my camera, I largely immortalized their faces.

360, spin, reverse and el rollo in Section creuse.Cet world bodyboarding me gives hope for 2011.
After the session, bubbles and Pignot on the beach north of the dirty, U20 and life ahead .......... Florian
pk with his digital camera that fleeting moment immortalized bodyboarder a master 33 in the atmosphere ocean!

. Bodyboards This has talent bodyboarding in sport, it's cool to watch a champion wrinkled.
Even watching, I'm learning slowly at my own pace ........... Thank
Ocean roots!


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