Friday, January 28, 2011

Refillable Air Duster Can

pizz'à Melo

This afternoon will see my friend Nicolas local surf l.0, a surfer of reference for a master bodyboarder 33, discussion surfing and bodyboarding, my visit ends to leave JAH-POINT, 33 is a master at appointment of tubular waves ........!

return from my meeting with local bodyboarding, waves 70cm, Series 90 and off 1m10 TUBULAR.

. Only one address 63 avenue de Bordeaux Porge, a pizzeria in a homely,: pizza melodrama.
This place is well placed, you can park easily at the shop NAUCALA.

The service is fast and flawless.
, Meli-melo, one is either the same 10 ingredients for the happiness of the most gourmands.2 sizes small and large pizza.
Open on weekends from 21:30 until 17hs April. Come
The blue card is not accepted.

After 9 good, the tenth is free pizza!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Toddler Running Falling

menthe.cigarette vanille.cigarette cigarette smoking.

it's been 32 minutes, I pretend to read.

it's been 39 minutes, sometimes it is beautiful.

the person you put on a pedestal is always right

Heartbeats Xavier Dolan

Test Questions On Behind Rebel Lines

My first interview

was performed by Nicolas Gold, director of the Ocean club roots, a great club bodyboarders girondins.Leurs results are national, international and global.
output of the unknown, a Master bodyboarder 33 PK 2011.

interview Franck Franck Goursin

just Andernos in Gironde, is an atypical character of the French scene of bodyboarding. It is scary to some, others think it's a fake, what is certain is that everybody knows and leaves no one indifferent ...
is why we wanted to ask him some questions to find out more about this passionate despite the storms in his life has never stopped practicing bodyboard ...
-Hi Frank, can you introduce yourself for those who do not know you?
I was born April 5, 1971 in Bordeaux, 8-16 years I practiced sport motocross in regional and then national, I won several competitions including one in the Test and one in Mont de Marsan.
At 16 I stopped and I turned to the sport that I compete Bodyboard previously practiced in leisure. I made many clubs went through my moves (Hourtin, Lacanau, Hossegor, Le Porge, Anglet, and since 2007 the surf club on the peninsula at Cape Ferret).
From 1995 to 2000 I found a lot of competitions with the committee Gironde and even some cuts of France Bodyboard. From 1998 I was a leading member of Lacanau Surf Club.
I participated in numerous competitions, including my best result are:
Girondin 13th in 1995 to open the fourth
RIP anglet regional tour in December 2000
I attended several ETB and I finished 5th overall cuts in 2001 Landes
quarter-finals in the spring of bodyboarding in Anglet in 2006
Award Master bodyboarder with the surf club on the peninsula in 2008
Gironde Masters Champion and 2nd National Master in 2010.

"You're often in the middle of controversy on the net, some people think you do too much other than you pretend, you think what?
You should know that in January 2002 I got very sick, I'm not pretending to live my life is just very hard, my life is real ...

-Knowing that 10 to 40 years all bodyboarders French know you, but you find that you are not publicized enough, why?
During 10 years I have asked all reviews bodyboard and the southwest for a publication in the press, without success ...!!! I do not know why I like sport and would love to bodyboard can share it with the greatest number, I'm not doing this for fame, just for sport bodyboard. The only recognition I have is with my blog:
-Did you ever do surfing?
I had a friend shaper 1995 to 2000, I have a plate shape by him and I wrote an article that talks about surfing trip him. At his death in July 2000 I stopped surfing ...

-What are your other passions?
25 years of sport bodyboard, longboard skate 10 years, I love bowling and billiards, and am interested in the Internet since 1999.

-The future of the Masters in 2011 is what?
Traveling with Nicolas Padois Roots and Ocean to confront the crew:)

-A last word for the end Francky?
I thank my mother for giving me life and a good education. I also thank Nicolas Padois for this interview and all PK and the Ocean Club Roots !!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Most Dependable Washing Machine 2010


need sea of blue and orange vitamin
Where is my suitcase at straws?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Firefox Untitled Tabs

cotton wedding

One year.

losing the north, find it. run very fast before the love and wait on the park.

drowning and learn to swim. collect. see General in an individual. eat the young ladies enjoying Cherbourg. love the stripes and dots. gingham too. nodes equally. residue on eyelids pillow disappointed. accumulate. Never dry the gutter poetry. listen. watch. great joy to be together and still win. do. the delight of waking in the morning again. leave and come back. heard. see. at the end of the doubt, life. keep warm. be beautiful. be.

and long life to ... Ysé

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Famous Antisocial Adults

The little ritual of hot lemon

In these times of gloom does little longer sure whether to stay or leave (there she who dithers), the small mine is not far. So to get your fill of comfort and vitamin C. fairy away the ghosts of the flu and wrinkles, I adopted the ritual of hot lemon tea time ...

A big spoonful of honey diluted with care in the juice of half a lemon, a big mug of boiling water and voila the grog of our grandmothers is not far, rum and less!

A small gesture beauty simple and effective, that will make you too I hope, better withstand the winter ...

Meaning Of The Colors Of Faith

The Cool Paris # 1

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lidocaine Brazilian Wax

A meeting with a local ferret-capien 17 January.

Great minds surf and bodyboard find themselves in the place cool riding Cap-ferret, the sandwhicherie since 1993, a surfer who participate in 1988 World Championships hoping to surf is the boss of the restaurant that started in the surf.

I am in the heart of the history of the horizon ................!

This surf during the conversation light my lantern HISTORY ........! A master
bodyboarder 33 listens surf native basin .......................!

He knew my friend local shaper who passed away in July 2000.

This shaper, I have a surfboard shape by him, and an article I wrote that the magazine went on surfing trip!

What Does The Pink Paper On The Cell Phone Do

... Will you take a small part ... The taste of madeleines

... of mango tarte tatin!

The pastry

- Flour
- 125 gd'Amandin (Vahine) you can replace with of almonds or hazelnuts
- 1 glass (type nutella) caster sugar
- 100 gr of butter too soft
- A pot of heavy cream 20cl

Preparation: Pour
" blithely " of flour at the bottom of your bowl.
Add sugar, Amandine, a pinch of salt, mix well, then the sand mixture, incorporating the butter (as if you were to crumble the butter is fully incorporated into the powders).
Add your pot of cream, stir and add more flour if necessary until a ball of dough not too sticky.

+ + For ease of shoplifting, book an hour in the fridge.


- Three mangoes ( or more! ) you can substitute any other fruit (at the pear is delicious!)
- brown sugar
- A little butter
Butter dish ( generously ), pour the brown sugar (also generously ) and arrange the order homogeneous the bottom and sides of your dish.
Cut your mangoes into cubes, spread them on your pie shell.

Spread the batter, cover your fruits thereof and bake at 220 ° C.

+ + For the above does not stain too fast, put your plate on a lower floor of oven.

Monitor regularly.

When the top is golden it's ready.
Cool before removing from pan ... :

+ + put a plate large enough over your pie plate, hold it off, turn, hold until the pie is off and "falls" on your plate, put the any fruit in the refractory remained flat on the pie ...

*** My preference: served warm with some vanilla ice cream ... ***

On your cooking!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pokemn Rom Cydia Source

Adventure canaulaise earth.

Since Basin Management LP to reach the North and its local park, I have a friend Nicolas ultra surf good (4times champion Surfing in France and vice European champion of surfing, he lives in the year, local.
talk in sport bodyboard, with small cafe for a master bodyboarder 33, this is very nice ....!

Come to the beach, with the central bodyboardcar, watching the waves off the sea state was dismantled and over 2m ..........! A
master33 is happy to train with a rider like Nicolas.
15years that we know and it allows me to bodyboard with him! Nicolas

that is a surfer since I was young, I think it rips serious surfing!
Once I lent him my bodyboard in August 2010, he stomped elrollo in a hollow section.
. A master
bodyboarder 33 is heated to torn bodyboard comp 2011 ............. Second master
FRANCE 2010.

Desert Eagle Airsoft Blanks

+ +

Friday, January 7, 2011

Female Athletes With Cameltoe

A bike ride in the ground-ferret capienne

Nightlife motorcycle, wear the jacket, to prepare the helmet and gloves.
Mealtime Cheap sounded drunk at the trade center's local surf of Cape Ferret, cross the peninsula, followed the route of the spot to see the waves, I enjoy riding .... ..........!

Relaxation in molecules, a master bodyboarder 33 is the Welcome .......!
David, the creator-local ferret capien ........

Presentation 2011 at the boss vows drunk local surf and local boss of the avenue from the beach for 3 generations.

2011, 33 master bodyboarder competitor bodyboard surfing club on the peninsula.