Monday, January 17, 2011

What Does The Pink Paper On The Cell Phone Do

... Will you take a small part ... The taste of madeleines

... of mango tarte tatin!

The pastry

- Flour
- 125 gd'Amandin (Vahine) you can replace with of almonds or hazelnuts
- 1 glass (type nutella) caster sugar
- 100 gr of butter too soft
- A pot of heavy cream 20cl

Preparation: Pour
" blithely " of flour at the bottom of your bowl.
Add sugar, Amandine, a pinch of salt, mix well, then the sand mixture, incorporating the butter (as if you were to crumble the butter is fully incorporated into the powders).
Add your pot of cream, stir and add more flour if necessary until a ball of dough not too sticky.

+ + For ease of shoplifting, book an hour in the fridge.


- Three mangoes ( or more! ) you can substitute any other fruit (at the pear is delicious!)
- brown sugar
- A little butter
Butter dish ( generously ), pour the brown sugar (also generously ) and arrange the order homogeneous the bottom and sides of your dish.
Cut your mangoes into cubes, spread them on your pie shell.

Spread the batter, cover your fruits thereof and bake at 220 ° C.

+ + For the above does not stain too fast, put your plate on a lower floor of oven.

Monitor regularly.

When the top is golden it's ready.
Cool before removing from pan ... :

+ + put a plate large enough over your pie plate, hold it off, turn, hold until the pie is off and "falls" on your plate, put the any fruit in the refractory remained flat on the pie ...

*** My preference: served warm with some vanilla ice cream ... ***

On your cooking!


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