Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Can I Get Harry Potter Scarves In Toronto

Love and Other Drug

Oops, I just put the keyboard and already I feel that I arrive after the war ... But it's not because they have taken the lead but these holidays were so short and so intense at the same time with every second thing to do, to watch, listen, smell or taste that I've somewhat forgotten in the battle ...

So here Wednesday night tradition requires, with small film club strictly female to go drool over "Love and Other Drugs. We know the song was more to see the movie, but still, no one remains unmoved before Jake Gyllenhaal.

The plot is banal at first, I grant ( which has discouraged more than one out from under the duvet to go freeze cinema ): Jamie, commercial talent that would sell a laptop to a horse (as average image, let ), embarks on the career of visitor medical. Don Juan and desperate to succeed, he does not hesitate to seduce the receptionists to put his precious samples pharmacies in medical offices, until he meets Maggie, a pretty young woman suffering from early Parkinson's who benefits of life from day to day and does not envisage any serious relationship. Jerrybuilt I said, all we ask for a romantic comedy season: they fall in love despite themselves and their " reluctantly " (very appropriate for this film that reveals "almost" all without ever falling in the vulgar and bad taste, however: " everything is suggested, nothing is imposed " as the saying goes ... very aesthetic for some scenes, it should be noted).

Despite a plot that leaves no room for doubt, the actors camped their roles with gusto, emotion, humor and melodrama seem to have forgotten in their box for our greatest relief. With shading denouncing the abuse of pharmaceutical rotten by a logic of profit rather than putting under altruistic and in front of the stage a disease that is too often associated with old age, the director finds the right tone and has a working end balancing. We laugh a lot, we sympathize, we are excited but not crying. And this is something I really want to highlight because it is too easy to cry one day in the cottages of thirty-one, riding the wave of good feeling post-christmas. Here, the emotion has its place as the denunciation, sensuality and feeling to finally form a large part of humor that is never heavy, a bit daring at times, but always used with a certain finesse ( I agree that the brother of the protagonist is just disgusting and that the scenario would have lost none to remove ) and always in style.

To see absolutely with friends for an enjoyable time.



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