Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Cold With Lots Of Phlem

worm (t) (s), (re). [1]

a time when the consciousness awakening, we little by little things in order to examine our ways of life and reduce the impact of our propensity to waste on the environment.

already torn by the need to significantly shorten my showers (after a day between transit and sidewalks, green spirit requires), I, who never show their credentials on the bath mat before have left a thick fog on the mirror of the bathroom, I found another reason for frustration and bad conscience: worms.

6:30 am, a morning like any other, a bowl of cereal, a glass water, a good book and Télématin in the background, I was ready to begin my day peacefully. Yes, until our friends pink critters make their entrance on stage as "the future of our diet," 100% green. Gulp. I was almost dropped my spoon.

Horror the way it usually packed salmon toasts, the earthworm stretched out full length on a blini, swam in a creamy tomato, found himself in a tub for sale!

The worms, environmental solution to a healthy protein intake, substitute non-polluting, more concentrated and less expensive for our friends the cows producing methane pits to feed.

Oddly, I immediately felt a lot less green ... And I tell myself that maybe "Yes the bike, not the maggots" would have been a title more befitting my article ...

Credit photo: On the way to the Dent d'Oche, Haute Savoie


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