Thursday, February 17, 2011

Does The Liver Pulsate

And see the world through another day ... The season is

At eight years, from the top of our range of serious girl model, perspective glasses "like mommy" is almost as tempting as a second transition rule of Father Christmas in May Return to these beautiful shops, look in the mirror with these glasses shiny at the end of the nose, squint, making faces, touching everything, repeat, rest, choose a frame as we choose a handbag, glasses, as high heels, are intended purpose, path to freedom and the bubble made a fine blend of charm and independence of adulthood. The first case, the shiny metal, reflections, the first pictures dreaming, glances around, look flirtatious or mischievous minx, all seem to mimic the dress behind this new look.

At eight years old, wearing glasses, do it like Mom. And that perhaps the best way to grow up believing ...

And then the years pass, models parade, the charm of novelty erased to make room for fingerprints on the glasses, the afternoon pool blind, scratches and other red marks on the nose. There is the almost obligatory passage for lenses, after much hesitation, procrastination and negotiations, they try, we are rediscovering again, without the protection of the two armor tiles. They're off, we relasse, we just forgot to put the glasses become the lot of the days hurry, days grays, winter days. The magic of choice becomes the puzzle of the error hunted "them? "Those? . Vendors, friends, parents, family march at your side, advice, opinion, mimics condemnatory, sighs and exclamations, indecision is the queen and for a moment, you find yourself squinting lovingly to the children's corner where everything seemed magical.
So when finally your choice rests on a frame, whether or not love at first sight, relief creeps like a drug of the sweetest, whispering "it left for a year ..." and you can watch your heart's content as the world is different, when everything stands out sharply in a nearly cloudless sky.


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