Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Myammee Hair A Weave


still floating in the air the smell of cinnamon, apples, muffins and eggs. Aprons bear the scars of afternoons spent in the kitchen, the last crumbs were liquidated, tea towels are stacked in the dirty laundry baskets overflowing. To believe that frustration had reached its climax sweet face of this rush softness.

Since January we left, I feel to be plagued with long noses of his successor in which everything goes too fast ... but after all, other than waiting a month with only twenty-eight days? It is pressed for time if he wants to move fast, effective, fulfilling its role and begin the spring. Then he taunted us, it floats, it escapes, it evaporates and urges us to ensure that its first two weeks seem to have happened at breakneck speed. Against the current, so we caught the Sunday family meal, Candlemas and anniversaries. Holidays are already taking shape (or so they are poor, I really do not know with all the preparations they imply) that nothing is done and the chaos reign. So this weekend where nothing proclaimed emergency, we have taken the time and play by the rules imposed to condense all those little things that make life more beautiful, to be distributed as the wind sows throughout past two weeks to run after a time that is always running faster.

Lily's pancakes

[I do not give you a "number of pancakes" everything depends on the diameter pan and the thickness you give them ... For four, multiply the amounts by 2 (minimum!)]

150 g flour 50 g cornstarch
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder 2
tablespoons powdered sugar
3 tablespoons oil (preferably peanut)
2 packets of vanilla sugar
150 ml water 150 ml
milk 4 tablespoons Grand Marnier
2 tablespoons water orange blossom
4 eggs 1 pinch of salt


Combine flour and baking powder. Make a fountain. Pour
successively: sugar, oil, eggs, salt and water. Gently mix ingredients in the heart of the fountain and then gradually stir in flour until dough is smooth.
Add milk, Grand Marnier and orange flower water.
Refrigerate at least 30 min (1h is better!)

Although oil pan for pancakes and the first heat before starting the first of the batch.
After some pancakes, you can stop greasing the pan (thank you for ... kilos!)

Garnish, enjoy!

PS: it's a treat for breakfast!


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